Registration for 2025 VBS is open!

External Resources

Christian Organizations

RightNow Media (RNM) is a streaming library of more than 20,000 Bible study videos for leaders to share with their people. Think Netflix, but for Bible studies and resources! CAC pays for our congregation to have yearly access to this valuable resource. If you'd like to have access, email us and we'll get you our login information.

Grassroots Apologetics for Parents (GAP) is a Bible-centered ministry that works with local churches to launch and host chapters that equip parents with a deeper understanding of the Christian worldview and apologetics (how to make a case for and defend the truth of Christianity). Our passion is to help close the “GAP” that exists for parents between knowing the world will challenge their kids’ faith and knowing what to do about it.

Human Service Organizations

Assisted Living is a community organization that prioritizes helping those who are disabled and the elderly fully enjoy their healthy years and age gracefully. Our organization creates and publishes comprehensive, unbiased, free web-based resources. We have been featured on the Parkinson’s Foundation, US Department of Health and Human Services - Health Finder, Global Healthspan Policy Institute, and is referenced by many governmental agencies and organizations across the web.