Registration for 2025 VBS is open!

Young Adults

Making friends as a young adult can be hard

(for real, we know!)

Young Adults can feel like a catch-all group because it can contain anyone out of high school, married or single, and ages upwards of 35. It’s a tough time when most of the guard rails of life fall away and it's time to navigate life on your own. The young adults at CAC gather in order to encourage one another in whatever we’re facing in life and to foster community around us. The group is composed of younger members of our church, who are typically in the Bristol, VT area. We usually meet at one of our home to share a meal, read Scripture and pray for one another. We also gather for events such as barbecues and nights out, to which we can invite our friends and have fun together. Our desire is to be real people in a real world. You're invited to join a group of friends who will laugh, cry, play, grieve and "life life" with one another, in a true community.

Feel free to reach out to Brandon Mansfield with any questions you may have or to find out how to get involved.