CAC Youth Group welcomes students in grades 6th - 12th!
Our Youth Group for students at Community Alliance Church is a family-oriented, highly relational bunch of students and leaders. While we do have regular programming throughout the week, we also encourage youth and leaders to get together throughout the weeks and months to build strong relationships - whether it be working out together, going to each other's sports games, sharing meals, taking walks, practicing driving, or just being available to talk when needed. The middle- and high-school years are times in students' lives when having safe, trusted adults to lean on is invaluable.
Whether it's the during school year or summer break, our programming typically involves a weekly Bible study and devotional time, rounded out with food, games and good conversation!
School Year Programming
On the first Sunday of each month, students get to sleep in (wink, wink) and join the whole congregation at 10:30am for Sunday service (it's also our Communion Sunday). After the service, we'll often meet up at the family home of one of our students for an hour or two. We have lunch, do a quick devotional, and then spend the remaining time on a service project and games. This is a great time to bring friends who are new to church, as it's really about hanging out and having some fun!
The other Sundays of the month, we meet for Bible study at 9:00am at the church. Our wonderful leaders make breakfast for us, which we eat while catching up with one another from the week. After our study and maybe a quick game or two, we wrap up around 10:15, in plenty of time to head to the morning service or to serve as volunteers in CaMA Kids.
Summer Programming
If you'd like more information, or to be added to the youth group's mailing list, please contact Brandon and Mary-Kate Mansfield.