Registration for 2025 VBS is open!


Missions Is: All of Jesus for All of the World

Why does Community Alliance Church engage in missions work? As stated by our denomination:

Because we have experienced His love, His hope and His mercy first-hand, we are compelled to make Him known to all people, in every segment of society.

As part of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church, we are called to care for suffering and overlooked people, partnering with over 2,000 U.S. churches and more than 700 international workers, serving in 70 countries.

CAC is blessed to help support the M2535 Ministry in the Dominican Republic (DR), along with its leaders, Rick and Tammie Romano and their family. Our church family regularly prays for the Romano's work in the DR, and our DR Missions team stays in regular contact with them so that we know how to be praying. We love to welcome the Romanos when they visit Vermont to share what God has been doing in their ministry. We also send a team of volunteers to the DR once a year to serve in the M2535 community, typically during US students' spring break from school.

To learn more about missions at CAC, contact Kelly Fornier. You can also learn more about M2535 Ministry on their website.

M2535 Missional Community

The mission of M2535 is to live out the teachings of Christ in community:

At the core of our DNA is Matthew 25:35 & 36: "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."