Registration for 2025 VBS is open!

A Place For Everyone.

Join A Group Here

Life is not meant to be lived alone. In fact, God hates loneliness. You were created to experience life with other people, and that's why Community Groups within the church are vital for all of us. Community Groups (CGs) gather on a regular basis to hang out, serve together, study the Bible and most definitely to pray together. CGs come in all shapes and sizes: for men, women, students, married couples or young adults; with kids, without kids, about kids; focused on serving, focused on worship... the list goes on! CGs take place in different towns, on different days, at church and out of the church. So no matter where you are in your life, there's a CG waiting to welcome you. 

Ready to find community and be part of a family? Head over to our CAC App or Website, where you can learn more about all of our Current Community Groups